Tuesday 24 September 2013

Littering and other environmental issues in Blackhall

Along with the parish clerk, me and Lynn met a couple of months ago with the manager of the clean & green team to discuss a number of environmental issues in our area.

After seeing initially a real improvement in the performance of the team it would seem that over the last week or so there have been a number of problems with litter picking, especially in certain areas of Blackhall Colliery. 

Following a walkabout in the village yesterday we identified a number of locations which continue to cause concern for us and residents, particularly around the library and the former British Legion club and also at the fenced area along the length of East Street.

We have contacted the team manager again today to express our concerns. He agrees that the service has regressed a little and has committed the team to a full clean up of the area over the next day or so. We have also asked that the streets be cleaned each Friday following the bin collection rounds, when some places tend to become quite untidy.

Because shrub beds also cause problems with collecting and holding litter we have asked that shrub beds in our area be removed, but only where residents are in agreement. 

Please contact us if you know of any specific areas in need of attention and we'll forward your ideas to the clean & green team for their attention.