Tuesday 13 August 2013

Update on Blackhall Horse Fair Rumours

Rumours persist in the Blackhall area about a horse fair to be held on the former pit site in the village this Bank Holiday weekend (see post dated 31 July 2013 for background information). This follows police intelligence suggesting that travellers may have targeted this site, amongst others across East Durham, to hold the annual fair, held in previous years in Seaham. Horden and Easington.

In direct response to concerns expressed to us by residents and businesses the council has now carried out works, including the installation of boulders, at the site to ensure that the gated access to the pit site has been made secure against trespassers (images below show the gate area before and after the works were carried out). 

From the very outset we have both insisted that this site must remain clear to prevent any obstruction to emergency response vehicles in the event of an accident on the Durham Coast rail line running adjacent to the site. Again, because of persistent rumours, we must make it absolutely clear that no permission or consent has been given by the police or Durham County Council for this site to be used for any purpose. 

We have received an enormous number of complaints over recent weeks from residents and businesses in the area concerned about the potential cost and impact of an event of this nature going ahead. Please note that our involvement in this matter is in direct response to those concerns and is intended to allay community fears as far as possible. However, both the council and the police acknowledge that travellers tend to turn up almost anywhere they choose, so they will remain vigilant over the coming days to ensure that, wherever and whenever possible, they are prepared to take any appropriate measures to prevent illegal encampments in the area.

