Wednesday 3 July 2013

Traffic calming measures at High Hesleden

A few months ago I arranged a meeting in High Hesleden so that residents from the village could discuss their concerns about speeding traffic with police and highways officers from Durham County Council (see post dated 28 March 2013 for full details).

At that meeting it was agreed that a future meeting be held to identify options for traffic calming measures in the village so yesterday, 2 July, me and Lynn Pounder met with the parish clerk and the highways officer at the Resource Centre to discuss a way forward.

The starting point was to ensure that residents had the final say on which type and level of traffic calming measures, if any, they wished to have in their village. Accordingly a number of realistic options have been identified and these will now be put to residents for a decision. 

Out of necessity this consultation will be done formally with statutory backing so accurate timescales cannot be given here, but residents should be assured that plans are in the pipeline to ensure that their preferred option for traffic calming measures will be installed as requested.