Thursday 13 June 2013

Blackhall Community Forum update for June 2013

The Blackhall Community Forum met last night, Wednesday 12 June, at the Resource Centre in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery.

Monk Hesleden Parish Council recently made the decision to hold its monthly Environment Committee, attended by both me and Lynn too, immediately preceding the Community Forum and this had the effect of increasing the attendance numbers quite dramatically.

The main issues arising from both meetings included:

  • Incidents of anti-social behaviour caused by older children at the young peoples drop-in session at the Welfare Park held on Wednesday evenings. Neighbourhood wardens and police are aware of this problem and have made it the PACT (Police & Communities Together) priority for the coming month
  • The launch of the new Coast Watch scheme to co-ordinate coastal issues between Seaham and Crimdon. Given recent incidents of fly-tipping in our part of the coast, particularly at Deneholme, me and Lynn have asked if the Coast Watch partnership would be prepared to initiate a public consultation exercise on how this problem ought to be tackled. There have been suggestions that access to the beach could be restricted by a barrier at the top of Deneholme bank to prevent any further fly-tipping. In acknowledging that this may well be the most effective solution, we insist that the people should be notified of all options and then be given a direct input into any future decision. Only in this way can an agreed solution be implemented to benefit all.

We also received complaints about:

  • Street lights constantly burning in the area around Meadow Avenue, despite previous reports
  • Several instances of poor quality grass cutting throughout our villages
  • Weeds growing through the newly resurfaced Black Path
  • Various incidents of littering in Blackhall Colliery and Blackhall Rocks
  • Safety issues recurring on the former pit heap site at Hesleden following a recent landslip in the area (see report dated 21 June 2012 for background details)
  • Pedestrian safety issues at the junction of Hesleden Road and Coast Road, at St Joseph's church, Blackhall Colliery.
All issues above have been reported to the relevant sections at Durham County Council for attention. Further, in relation to those environmental issues reported, we have requested a meeting with the responsible officers from the council along with the clerk to Monk Hesleden Parish Council.

We will update on progress but in the meantime please let us know if you have any similar issues to report and we'll make the necessary arrangements.