Tuesday 28 May 2013

Tackling flood problems in Blackhall

Following complaints from local residents about flooded roads in the Chicken's Green and Emmerson Court area in Blackhall I arranged a site visit today with Lynn Pounder, Lynda Wardle the parish clerk and a highways engineer from county hall.

We met with residents who had experienced flooding on nearby roads and pavements and also to the gardens of their properties during the recent heavy rainfall in the area to see which measures could be taken to prevent similar incidents in future.

From an initial inspection the engineer suggested that the flooding problem could be caused by insufficient gullies or drains on the north-bound side of the road between Leaholme Terrace/Cemetery Road and Hesleden Road. To make sure, he has agreed to carry out a further inspection of the gullies to check for blockages and silting. He has also suggested that if necessary further drains could be installed in the area to cope with increased sewage and rainwater.

Works are to begin as soon as possible but a lead-in period may be required if the road has to be closed to allow for the inspection and repair works to be carried out.