Saturday 25 May 2013

Station Town Neighbourhood Group Update

Lynn and I attended the most recent meeting of the Station Town Neighbourhood Group (STNG) on Thursday evening, 23 May.

A number of issues were discussed including the following:

  • Following residents concerns about speeding traffic in both Station Town and Hutton Henry I have asked the highways officers from DCC to attend a site meeting with residents and members of STNG to take a closer look at where traffic calming measures would be most effective in slowing down vehicles, particularly in built up residential areas. 
  • In an attempt to improve the appearance of the area we have discussed the potential of putting up flower baskets and shrub beds throughout the village. 
  • The East Durham AAP funding officer was in attendance to follow up on a recent funding bid to reinstate the public play area adjacent to the former community centre. We are exploring the possibility of putting up football posts and buying football equipment for the use of young people from the village and also fencing off the play area to prevent trespass and to keep the area free from litter and rubbish. There are a number of issues to iron out around land ownership but we are moving in the right direction with this scheme.
  • We have also investigated the possibility of funding another summer day trip for residents to follow on from last September's popular trip to Whitby.

The next STNG meeting will be held in the Milbank chapel at 6pm on Thursday 20 June. All residents are welcome to attend but if you have any issues you would like the group to address in the meantime please contact a member of STNG or either me or Lynn in the usual way: or