Saturday 25 May 2013

Funding for Blackhall Welfare Flower & Vegetable Show

Along with Lynn Pounder I met yesterday morning with the parish park and facilities manager, John Peace and the community centre manager, Alison Paterson to start the funding process for the first Blackhall Welfare Flower & Vegetable Show scheduled to take place at the community centre on Monday 26 August 2013.

We met with Tom Whellans from the East Durham Area Action Partnership (ED-AAP) to discuss the level of funding needed to get this project started and also to explore the potential for its future development. The event is intended to grow in time into an annual show of regional and national significance.

For many years the parish council has organised and run an annual Family Fun Day in the Welfare Park, incorporating its own flower and vegetable competition. However due to funding cuts this event has had to be cancelled, at least for the immediate future. John Peace came up with the idea of hosting an annual prize show at the community centre to fill the gap left by the former Fun Day and that's where me, Lynn and Alison came along.

We have decided on the format of the Bank Holiday show and we are determined that it will develop into a regional event, catering for flower and vegetable growers across the North East of England and beyond. The event, funded in part by local businesses and individuals, will be open to the general public of course and will also include a number of other attractions for young and old alike.

I will report regularly on progress but in the meantime if you require further information please contact me, Lynn, Alison or John.