Friday 10 May 2013

Blackhall Community Forum - May 2013

The first meeting of the Blackhall Community Forum since the election was held on Wednesday night, 8 May. In my absence PCSO Ian Goodwin chaired the meeting and has passed on the following update for information.

From the PACT/Community Forum meeting:

We had a visitor in the form of a traffic cop who gave details of role and operations in the area. The main point was Castle Eden, near The Village. A speed check had been set up earlier in the day and one local was stopped doing 58mph in a 40mph area. A speed visor is to be installed which will record speeds as well as flash them to motorists. This information will be used to target further operations in the area.

The PACT priority was : Fires on the Beach Banks. We have received calls and I have witnessed a few fires on the banks and beach over the past few weeks as the weather improves. I am presuming that this is largely down to youths drinking over the banks and beach – something which I will be looking at over the next few months – or as long as Summer lasts.

Please note that the BCF is held at the Resource Centre in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery at 6pm on the second Wednesday of each month. However if you have any community matters you wish to talk about before then please contact either PCSO Goodwin at the Resource Centre or your local county councillors, Lynn Pounder or me, in the usual way.