Saturday 6 April 2013

Rodridge Hall - update on drainage works

Previous posts on this site refer to the long running flooding and drainage issues across the highway at Rodridge Hall between Station Town and Hutton Henry (see posts dated 11 May 2012, 26 September 2012, 6 December 2012, 17 January 2013, 29 January 2013, 13 March 2013 & 28 March 2013 for further information).

I have received a further update this week from highways engineers who have now completed their initial investigations into the problem. I am informed that these works have progressed as far as possible at the moment and that further works are now needed.

As a result of preliminary works contractors HCS have highlighted a number of repairs required to drains along Rodridge Lane and also to a ditch at the end of the line. The area drainage team from Durham County Council will now seek funding from the highways revenue manager to enable these repairs to be carried out, to construct catchpits and then carry out further CCTV investigations. It is possible that further drainage issues may be uncovered once the highways drains are opened out.

Yesterday I wrote to the highways inspection manager to impress on him the priority that I attach to these works and also the urgency needed to complete them on behalf of long suffering residents.

I will continue to monitor progress very closely and also to press the authorities for priority in completing any highways and drainage works required.