Wednesday 3 April 2013

Fly-tipping at Deneholme, Blackhall Colliery

Last night I was made aware of several incidents of fly-tipping in the Deneholme area of Blackhall Colliery, particularly on the approach to the beach.

I visited the site early this morning and was appalled at the disgraceful condition of the dyke to the side of the road leading down to dene mouth. This area has been targeted by fly-tippers who have dumped almost every type of waste imaginable among the trees and all the way down the roadside to the area at the very bottom where a discarded bath has been surrounded by material and set alight.

I have contacted the heritage coast officer from the Durham Heritage Coast Partnership, along with other agencies, with a request to have this area cleared as soon as possible.

This clearance will only be effective briefly however and I think that a long-term solution must be found to prevent a recurrence of this dreadful practice. I have asked officers that all options be considered to address this problem, however I feel that local people ought to have the final say on any eventual solution.

Please let me know of your opinion or preferences in dealing with fly-tipping in our area and I will do my best to ensure that together we find a solution acceptable to all.

Rubbish set alight at the bottom of Deneholme
Fly-tipping in the mid-section of Deneholme

The lay-by at the top of Deneholme