Friday 12 April 2013

Deneholme fly-tipping issue raised at Blackhall Community Forum

The Blackhall Community Forum met at the Resource Centre on Wednesday evening, 10 April to enable residents to meet and report their concerns to representatives from the neighbourhood wardens and police. As usual I was there to chair the meeting and to take back to county hall any concerns that were council related.

The main item for discussion, and the priority issue set for the next month, was the problem of fly-tipping at Deneholme as reported on this site a few days ago (see post dated 3 April 2013). I raised this matter again at the Community Forum and asked that the police, council and wardens give this area increased attention over the coming weeks to try and prevent a recurrence of the fly-tipping, as far as possible under the circumstances.

I have also suggested that the relevant authorities consider carrying out an in-depth and open public engagement and consultation exercise during the summer months to try and find a long-term solution to this problem, which I am convinced will have a negative effect on visitor numbers to our coast if left unresolved.

If this consultation process is to be genuinely inclusive there should be a preliminary exercise to ask users of Deneholme and members of the general public to set out their favoured options. All realistic options should then be put forward for consultation and the public should be allowed to decide which measures are taken to finally end this unacceptable practice.

Contact me in the usual way please if you want to comment on this matter or if you have any suggestions you think may help to tackle the problems of littering and fly-tipping here or elsewhere in our area.