Tuesday 12 March 2013

Repair works to begin on East Terrace street lights

Following reports of a long-term blackout at East Terrace in Hesleden I contacted the relevant section at county hall this morning to ask for an explanation for delays to repair works and also to request urgent repairs, given the safety concerns of residents.

I have received written confirmation that repair works are to begin in a few days. I'm not sure about some of the more technical terms so I've copied the email below for information:

We have lost an N.P.G. o/head supply to the lights in question which was unavoidable as the supply traversed through somebody's loft from the front of the property from pole no 489 to the rear on pole no 493. In agreement with N.P.G we are going to install an intermediate pole at the bottom of the street through which they will give us an alternative supply route. (pole 490 to pole 834 via the intermediate).

We plan to commence the work towards the back end of this week.

I am aware that street lighting is a particular problem throughout the county so if you have any particular concerns please get in touch with me on:

0191 372 5821 or at rob.crute@durham.gov.uk