Tuesday 26 March 2013

Coastal Survey

I have received notification from the heritage coast officer that a survey is to be carried out this week as follows:

A coastal user survey will be carried out over the next ten days at key entry points to the coast.

These are:
  • .       Seaham Hall Beach
  • .       Nose’s Point, Dawdon
  • .       Easington Colliery
  • .       Cotsford Lane, Horden
  • .       Blackhall Rocks
  • .       Crimdon

 The survey is to evidence who uses the coast, why and when. It will be repeated in more detail in the summer.

The company carrying out the work is called Blue Grass Research and will carry a letter from Niall Benson.

We have only just commissioned this work and the data collected will underpin the Local Plan as well as the Heritage Coast Management Plan.