Monday 4 February 2013

Street Lights: High Hesleden - Hesleden - Blackhall

I have been contacted again recently by members of the public understandably concerned at the length of time the street lights have been out on the roads connecting Blackhall Colliery, Hesleden and High Hesleden (see blog dated 19 December 2012). The blackout has been caused by thieves stealing connecting cables in this area and this is having a serious impact on pedestrians and other road users.

I have been assured that DCC is about to begin a review of street lighting across the county to identify ways of tackling problems like this within the programme of government imposed cuts. In our particular case there is a considerable cost implication because the stolen cables will have to be replaced before lighting can be restored. 

I have argued persistently that lighting is essential in and around our villages on public safety grounds. I have arranged a meeting with the head of the county council's highways department later this week and I will continue to press for whatever measures are needed to reinstate street lighting where it is most needed. 

It is unfortunate that some individuals think that it's acceptable to steal for personal gain, leaving our people and communities at risk of harm. However, I believe that if the safety of road users is considered a public priority the council must make funding available to restore full street lighting in our area.