Monday 4 February 2013

Petition for the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

The Durham Miners Association has joined a campaign to petition for a House of Commons debate on police violence at Orgreave during the 1984-85 Miners Strike and to establish a public inquiry to determine what exactly happened on that day in June 1984.

Follow the links below and add your voice to the campaign for truth and justice:

Durham Miners Back Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

Orgreave logo

A CAMPAIGN for a public inquiry into one of the 20th century’s most savage acts of police brutality against miners is under way in Yorkshire.

Armoured police and cavalry attacked lightly-clad peaceful pickets battering many senseless at British Steel’s Orgreave cokeworks in South Yorkshire in June, 1984, during the strike against pit closures.
Sheffield-based Orgeave Truth and Justice campaign is demanding a public inquiry into what happened at the so-called “Battle of Orgreave.”

The campaign was launched on November 8 last year. Within a week South Yorkshire Police referred itself to the Independent Police Complaints Commission over its role at Orgreave.

The campaign was prompted by the success of Liverpool families who for 23 years fought to discover the truth about the police role and cover-up at the infamous Hillsborough disaster, when 95 Liverpool football fans died at Sheffield Wednesday FC’s stadium.

An official investigation into Hillsborough is now under way.

South Yorkshire National Coal Board clerical worker Barbara Jackson, who was out for the duration of the 1984-5 strike, organised the Orgeave campaign launch meeting.

Support has poured in from across the former coalfields, where other activists are demanding investigations into police violence during the strike in their own communities.

The Orgreave group won a breakthrough when a policeman who was at Orgreave, now retired in the North-East, contacted his MP, former NUM President Ian Lavery, confirming police violence.

Orgreave campaigners need 100,000 signatures on a petition to trigger a Commons debate. Visit: 

The grass-roots campaign has no political affiliations.

For further information contact: 

To download shocking images of the Battle of Orgreave click here