Monday 11 February 2013

Litter and Fly-tipping in Blackhall Colliery

I have contacted the neighbourhood wardens and environment section at county hall this afternoon following further reports of litter and rubbish accumulations throughout Blackhall Colliery.

There is a particular and persistent problem with debris and fly-tipping around the public footpath immediately next to the Hackworth Road industrial estate and at the access road to the beach banks.

I have invited officers from the relevant departments to meet me on site to discuss these matters further, with a view to clearing the area and implementing a workable solution to prevent a recurrence of this problem in future.

I will also raise this issue at the next meeting of the Blackhall Community Forum to be held at 6pm on Wednesday 13 February at the Resource Centre, Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery.

In the meantime I would be interested to know of any other areas of similar concern in our villages so contact me please on: