Tuesday 19 February 2013

Issues from Station Town coffee morning

The Station Town Neighbourhood Group (STNG) held the latest in its monthly series of coffee mornings today at the Milbank chapel in Station Town.

I attended the event as local county councillor, along with residents and other members of the STNG. We talked about a number of issues affecting the village and surrounding area including the following:

  • As agreed at a recent STNG meeting I have now secured sufficient funding to erect a low fence at the former community centre to prevent unauthorised access to the field and also to bring the area up to a uniform standard with other fencing schemes nearby
  • Concerns were expressed at reports in the local media recently that the county council may identify a public area in East Durham to be used as a temporary stop-over site for travellers. I have already contacted officers at the county council to let them know that there is no suitable site in or around Station Town. I should have more information on this matter by the end of this week and I will report progress on this site.
  • Highway flooding problems between Station Town and Hutton Henry are being investigated further by highways engineers. Previous posts on this site refer to long-term problems at Rodridge Hall, caused by broken and damaged drains and gullies in the area. Poor weather since the turn of the year has delayed progress in addressing this problem.
  • Pot holes on the road connecting Front Street with the former community centre (adjacent to Townsend Court) have been reported to the highways department at county hall for repair

If you have any issues you would like to raise with me, or if you have any comments to make on the matters I've written about here, please contact me on:

rob.crute@durham.gov.uk or 0191 372 5821.