Sunday 17 February 2013

Objection to High Hesleden housing development

I posted a report on this site recently about a public meeting I had arranged to help residents better understand the implications of a planning application for a housing development at High Hesleden (see post dated 10 January 2013).

Since then I've had the opportunity to consider the effects of the application in more detail and I have come to the conclusion that the development cannot be supported. I have set out the reasons for my objection in a letter to the planning section at county hall and I have reproduced it in full below:

"I wish to formally register my objection to the planning application PL/5/2012/0437 at High Hesleden. I have registered to speak at the planning committee and I will elaborate there on the reasons for my objection as detailed below:

"I note that the application is for 9 executive houses on the site of the existing haulage business. This type of housing is not suitable for this village nor is it affordable to the vast majority of the people I represent. Further I feel that a development of this scale and nature would compromise the balance and integrity of the village and would have a significantly negative impact on its character.

"The infrastructure in the village is not equipped to cope with further development and I have concerns about increased vehicle use on narrow undulating roads at Fillpoke Lane and Mickle Hill which are wholly unsuitable for such increases in traffic. Further I share residents’ concerns about the drainage system and the increased risk of flooding in an area already susceptible to accumulated surface water on roads around the development site.

"The National Planning Policy Framework suggests that sustainable housing development should normally be approved by the local planning authority. However, I do not accept that this proposed development can be realistically described as sustainable because the village of High Hesleden has no shops, schools, faith buildings, community centres, leisure facilities, health facilities or any significant public transport system – in short, it has nothing to sustain.

"The development proposal is not in accord with either the District Local Plan or the Parish Plan, nor is it identified in the emerging County Durham Plan or the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) for housing development. It should be noted at this point that I have begun the process of establishing a Neighbourhood Plan for this settlement and I am supported in this by the parish council and residents in the village. I believe that if residents want to see any further development in High Hesleden it ought to be identified and agreed through the Neighbourhood Plan process. High Hesleden is a settled community and residents there have the right to collectively decide the future direction of their village.

"In summary, I am convinced that this is the wrong type of development, in the wrong location at the wrong time and I strongly urge the members of the planning committee to recognise my concerns, and those of the residents of High Hesleden, and refuse consent for this application".