Wednesday 19 December 2012

Eden Transport, High Hesleden, planning application

Over the weekend I met with residents at High Hesleden to gauge their initial feelings about the planning application for 9 houses at the Eden Transport site in the village (see post dated Monday 10 December for further details).

A number of issues were discussed relating to the impact, both negative and positive, that the proposed development might have on the village and its residents. 

As there were some matters arising from this initial meeting it was decided to arrange a further meeting to be held in the new year. I have contacted the planning case officer at the county council to invite him to meet with me and the residents from High Hesleden locally in January.

I will update this site with developments as they arise but in the meantime if you have any comments you wish to make regarding this planning application please go to the council's online planning portal at: and enter the code for this application: PL/5/2012/0437.

This application is expected to be submitted to the planning committee for a decision in February 2013 and planning officers are asking that comments be received by 26 December 2012. However I have expressed concerns that the Christmas break would perhaps limit the opportunity for some people to make representations so planners have agreed to my request to revise the deadline to mid-January 2013.