Thursday 6 December 2012

Chicken's Green & Rodridge Hall Update

Along with the clerk to Monk Hesleden Parish Council I met this morning with highways engineers from county hall to discuss progress on two long-running highways flooding issues in our area: Chicken's Green at Blackhall and Rodridge Hall between Station Town and Hutton Henry.

I have reported flooding problems in both areas over many months and I felt that a meeting with officers would be helpful to move things along.

Chicken's Green, Blackhall

Investigatory works were carried out at this site earlier this year and again last week and it was found that, although the main gullies remained intact, the connecting pipes were heavily silted. Specialist contractors are required to rectify this problem and works are scheduled to take place within the next few weeks - weather permitting.

Rodridge Hall:

Following my reports earlier this year, initial investigatory works were carried out in this area. However, the problem at this location appears to be more complicated than the one at Chicken's Green because of the extended network of connecting pipelines. It appears from these initial investigations that flooding across the highway may be caused by tree roots and branches and that the problem may extend as far down the underground pipeline as Heaton Terrace and Ellerbourne Terrace in Station Town. Exploratory works are to continue at this site before works are carried out to rectify the problem.