Thursday 29 November 2012

Lights in Blackhall to be repaired

There have been a number of reported incidents of faulty lights in the village recently leaving some areas (Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and parts of West Street) in complete darkness. Following my persistent appeals to the highways section at county hall over the last few weeks I have received confirmation this morning from the council that repairs are to be carried out here before the weekend.

In a separate issue, the faulty lights on the road between Hesleden and Blackhall and the road connecting Hesleden with High Hesleden will also be addressed in the near future following investigation by highways officials. 

It is reported that the delay to repairs in these locations is due to cable thefts (see posts dated 14 & 16 November 2012 for further detail) and again I have had to lobby hard over recent weeks to ensure that repairs are carried out here to ensure the safety of road users.