Monday 26 November 2012

Flood meeting cancelled - because of flooding!

I had a meeting arranged for this afternoon with the clerk of the parish council and highways engineers to discuss flooding issues in our area. Ironically it had to be cancelled because of the constant downpour of rain which almost turned Blackhall into an island.

The issues for discussion with highways engineers included flooding at the cemetery at Blackhall, flooded roads at Chicken's Green, at Castle Eden and at Rodridge Hall between Hutton Henry and Station Town. The flooding incidents at Chicken's Green and at Rodridge Hall are both long running problems which I have reported a number of times this year alone. Preliminary investigations were carried out in these locations but I am concerned that progress has been far too slow in putting things right.

The clerk of the parish council will rearrange the meeting at the earliest opportunity but in the meantime I will ensure wherever possible that these areas of concern are given priority.

If you have any flooding related matters to report please contact me on: or get in touch with the highways section at county hall on: