Wednesday 26 September 2012

Flooding Repairs

Now that the flood waters have started to recede I have had the opportunity to get out and about around our villages. It would appear that many areas have coped fairly well with the deluge and most of our roads and pavements are now passable with care. However I have passed the following two urgent repair requests to Durham County Council:

1. The entire carriageway to the west of the Hardwicke Hall Manor Hotel on the road between Blackhall Colliery and Hesleden was flooded yesterday. The pavement has deteriorated noticeably since it was submerged and is now crumbled and broken to the extent that pedestrians are having to walk into the road to get past.

2. The road immediately outside Rodridge Hall at Hutton Henry has been entirely under water since Monday evening making access to and from the village very difficult without extreme caution. This is a long running and persistent problem and I have asked that the highways section at DCC find a solution as a matter of urgency.

If you are aware of any localised problems caused by the floods in your area please let me know and I'll contact the relevant department at county hall: