Thursday 27 September 2012

Complaint against NHS Trust

I have written again today to the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) in pursuit of my complaint against the North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Trust.

My complaint relates to the failure of the Trust to consult or engage with residents in East Durham as part of their Momentum proposals to close our hospital at Hartlepool and build a new hospital at Wynyard (see posts dated 18 June, 8 August & 19 September 2012).

There is no public support for this proposal and this is confirmed in comments made by the Trust's chairman in the local papers this week in which he recognises that the lack of public support for the new hospital is "unfortunate" (see post dated 25 September 2012). 

I have reproduced below the letter I have sent today to the Ombudsman asking for my complaint against the Trust to be investigated:

Dear Sir
Re: Complaint reference EN – 136429:
Further to my previous correspondence dated 16 June 2012 regarding the North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Trust’s failure to consult with residents in East Durham on its Momentum proposals, I have pursued my concerns through the Trust as you advised and have now received a response from the Trust and have enclosed documents for your consideration.
I feel that the Trust has failed to fully answer my query in relation to its consultation exercise as it has not adequately identified a pattern of consultation in East Durham to compare with the level and format of consultation in other affected areas. My original complaint to the Trust related to its failure to demonstrate that they had consulted with East Durham residents in a realistically defined manner and failed to provide evidence of meaningful consultation. After reading documents provided by the Trust my opinion remains unchanged.
It is accepted that the Trust introduced the concept of its Momentum proposals to chosen groups in East Durham (albeit on a reduced scale compared to other areas) and that updates on progress were subsequently offered to other organisations however I insist that this cannot be defined as consultation. From the main document supplied by the Trust “NHS Joint Committee – 23 October 2008” which was “convened to oversee the consultation process and to implement the pathway to future health care” you will note for example that there was no participation by any organisation from East Durham, nor was any invited. I believe that this sums up the Trust’s approach to consultation with health service users and residents in the East Durham area.
I have enclosed a copy of the Trust’s document and I can confirm that I am not taking legal action against the Trust. I give consent to the Ombudsman to obtain any papers and records connected to the complaint.
Yours Faithfully
Rob Crute
I will update on progress with this matter in due course. In the meantime please let me know if you have any comments or concerns in relation to the Trust's actions.