Tuesday 26 June 2012

Highways Issues at High Hesleden and Blackhall Colliery

I was out and about yesterday morning in High Hesleden and Blackhall Colliery with the parish council clerk and an officer from the highways section to follow up on some road and traffic issues raised locally over the past few weeks.

As a result I have been assured that new road markings and replacement warning signs are to be installed at High Hesleden near to the junction with Fillpoke Lane. A number of near misses have been reported in this area because of the blind bend and traffic parked at the corner. I initially asked for a convex mirror to be placed on the bend to allow for motorists to assess oncoming traffic but I was told that because of public liability issues (and a reluctance on the part of the Ministry of Transport to give consent as required by law) this is no longer considered an acceptable option.

I have also asked for replacement traffic direction signs at the junction to Monk Hesleden and these are to be installed in the next few weeks.

We visited Ninth Street in Blackhall Colliery next where there are problems of parking and obstruction, particularly in the area around the staff car park gates. Bollards were installed on the kerb here recently to prevent people from parking on the pavement and obstructing wheelchair and pushchair users. This scheme was successful in its aim but it created a problem for people leaving the school car park in that they were unable to see up or down the street to pull out and were also unable to get out at all if cars were parked opposite the gates.

I have asked that lines be painted into the road to act as a deterrent to people parking in the immediate area, especially during school hours. This will also increase the visibility splay for motorists and ensure safer access and egress. I am sure that people will agree that the safety of our children is of paramount importance and that they will park accordingly.

If you are aware of any traffic or highway issues in your area please let me know and I will help wherever possible.