Thursday 21 June 2012

Hesleden Pit Heap

I received a report yesterday from PCSO Ian Goodwin of a breach of the old workings at the former pit heap site at Hesleden. Whilst I am assured that there is no danger my immediate concern of course is to ensure public safety by making the site safe and secure to prevent unauthorised access.

I have contacted planning officers at Durham County Council to ensure that they are aware of this matter and to ask that they maintain contact with the owners of the site to mitigate the effects of the breach.

I have also contacted the Coal Authority to ask them to confirm their involvement with the landowners in making the workings safe and to ensure public safety by securing the site against unauthorised access.

I will keep you updated with developments in ensuring public safety at the site but in the meantime please avoid the area and make sure that your children are aware and that they stay away too.


It is reported that the problem with the breach relates to an outflow pipe near to the bridge at Hesleden Dene. It is also confirmed that the Coal Authority is on site and is dealing with the problem.