Thursday 26 April 2012

Wind Farm Objections - Campaign Update

In order to monitor progress with the wind farm campaign I recently requested an update report from the planning department at the county council. The report, which I received today, illustrates the level of opposition to the proposed wind farm at Sheraton.

The notable submission from the statutory consultees section confirms that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has now objected to the proposal on grounds of interference with aircraft radar systems. The MoD refers to recent trials (in 2005) which concluded that "wind turbines can have detrimental effects on the operation of radar." They go on to state that as a result "the RAF would not be able to provide a full air surveillance service in the area of the proposed wind farm." Durham Tees Valley airport recently objected to the planning application for similar reasons.

In terms of the public consultation exercise, 49 submissions have been received by the planning department and all express opposition to the wind farm. In addition all four affected parish councils in the area have now formally objected. My personal letter of objection is published elsewhere on this site (3 April 2012).

This level of opposition can be attributed directly to the campaign I organised, along with members of the Residents' Association at Castle Eden and Monk Hesleden Parish Council, to coordinate community objections to a planning application which offers no discernible benefit to our communities.

If you have concerns about the proposed wind farm, please let me know or, if you prefer, contact the planning department at Durham County Council. Details are available on the DCC website or on related blogs on this site.