Monday 16 April 2012

Scheme Houses Play Area

This afternoon I met on site with the clerk to the parish council and an officer from the county council highways department to look at ways of making the field around the scheme houses play area safer for children.

I have received complaints for some time about vehicles driving across the grass to access properties at Coleridge Avenue and residents were concerned about the safety of children using the play area in the middle of the green. The field is owned and maintained by the parish council.

It has been suggested that a short fence be put up around the field, replacing the existing concrete and metal fence which is rusted, broken and unsightly. It is hoped that this will physically prevent vehicles driving near to the play area and at the same time make the area more attractive.

Residents at Coleridge Avenue and Chaucer Avenue will receive a letter soon from the parish council setting out the proposals for the fencing scheme but in the meantime I would welcome the views of anyone with an interest in this matter.