Tuesday 3 April 2012

Letter of Objection - Sheraton Wind Farm

Planning Application Reference CMA/5/31
5 Wind turbine generators at Sheraton for EDF-ER

 I object to the above named planning application for the reasons stated below:
  • Visual Impact: I feel that the visual impact of the turbines on the people and the communities I represent will be significant and unacceptable. It is considered that the residents of Hesleden, Castle Eden and Hutton Henry in particular will suffer loss of amenity as a result. It is felt by the people in the communities within my electoral division that the proposed development is entirely inappropriate and undermines the openness of the area.
  • Cumulative Impact: I consider that the area I represent has reached saturation point in terms of approvals for wind farm planning applications. The residents of the communities identified above will in effect be surrounded by wind farms if this present application is approved. Significantly, I feel there is no clearly defined benefit for the people of these communities.
  • Ecological Issues: I fear there will be a detrimental and irreversible effect on wildlife at the site identified for the development. The potential impact on coastal and inland birds is well documented and deemed unacceptable (I note the objection submitted by CPRE). I have local knowledge that brown hares, bat roosts and badger setts exist at the proposed site. It is of considerable concern that these matters receive limited recognition in the Environmental Impact Assessment submitted by the applicant. The concerns documented above are compounded by the potential impact of infrastructure development on Hart Bog which is recognised as a SSSI and the potential for drainage problems here in future.
  • Public Health Issues: I am concerned about the potential impact that noise nuisance and shadow flicker will have on the health of residents local to the wind farm site once constructed. I have further concerns about the risk posed by displaced ice from blades on residents and passers-by. It is recognised that the development site is surrounded by public footpaths and bridleways which are well used by locals and visitors alike.
  • Aviation Issues: I share the concerns of the owners of Durham Tees Valley Airport (Peel) in relation to the impact of the wind turbines on the technical equipment associated with passenger and freight aircraft on the flight path above the development.
  • Local Business: I have received objections from local businesses concerned about the impact of the closure of footpaths and roads during the construction period and the long term effects of the wind farm (as identified above).

I can confirm that, apart from holding a series of public meetings to gauge public opinion, I have met with residents, all local parish councils, residents' associations and other interested parties within my county ward and I have yet to receive any positive support for the planning application submitted by EDF/ER.
On a personal level, whilst recognising the need for sustainable development and renewable and reliable energy sources, I feel that wind generated power is inefficient, ineffective, expensive to the public purse in terms of subsidy and incapable of meeting energy requirements when they are needed – it is intermittent.
Consequently, I object in the strongest terms to an application for a development which neither meets the needs of local residents nor proves to be beneficial in any way to the people and communities within my electoral division.

Councillor Rob Crute
Blackhall Division
Durham County Council