Monday 2 April 2012

Landscape Improvements in Hesleden

Following a number of complaints from residents in Hesleden about the condition of the former garage site at Hillcrest Place and Harold Wilson Drive I have asked the environmental coordinators at the county council to come up with a few options for improvement.

Most of the resident's concerns are in relation to the safety of the wall and fencing across the top of the site, and also about the poor general condition of the surface covering. I held a meeting on site recently with council environmental officers to consider a way forward.

The initial investigations appear to suggest two options:

Option 1: Replacement fencing or

Option 2: Removal of the wall and fence, with the area to be graded and landscaped.

Option 2 is my personal preference but once I have an indication of the costs for each I will make sure that residents have every opportunity to have their say before any works are carried out.

In the meantime, please contact me if you have any queries or comments in relation to this matter.