Tuesday 10 April 2012

Community Forum

There will be a meeting of the Community Forum (formerly the PACT) at the Blackhall Resource Centre at 6pm tomorrow (Wednesday 11 April).

The Community Forum gives you the opportunity to raise any community issues you might have directly with the police, PCSO and street wardens. I will also be in attendance to address any matters of interest to the county council.

These issues might include, amongst others, any concerns you have with anti social behaviour, fly tipping, street cleaning or other environmental matters. Those of pressing concern will be dealt with as priorities for the coming month by the relevant agencies to ensure a fully coordinated approach in addressing that particular issue.

If you have any concerns or issues you want to talk about but are unable to attend please let me know and I'll raise them on your behalf and keep you informed of progress. Alternatively if you want to talk about any council or community issue in confidence just let me know using the contact details on this site.