Thursday 22 March 2012

Wind Farm - Reasons to Object

If you would like to oppose the planning application for the 5 turbine wind farm at Sheraton but you are not sure of the reasons, here are some suggestions:

1. Visual Impact: the turbines will be visible for miles around and do not look particularly attractive

2. Cumulative Impact: it is considered that our communities have been targeted unfairly by energy companies and wind farm developers and that the area has now reached saturation point

3. Ecological Concerns: the turbines (and associated infrastructure) will have a serious impact on wildlife in the area. This includes detrimental effects on badger setts, bat roosts and protected species of birds and insects

4. Noise Nuisance and Shadow Flicker: this applies especially to businesses and homes in close proximity to the rotor blades of the turbines

5. Road Safety: the impact of the development, particularly during construction, may have an impact on traffic safety given close proximity to the A19

6. Air Traffic Safety: Durham Tees Valley Airport has submitted an objection to the development, citing concerns they have over the effects of turbines on the electronics systems of aircraft

There are further concerns about wind turbines which aren't really material planning considerations but are worth mentioning in your objection anyway. These include issues around the viability of wind farms considering they are ineffective, inefficient and expensive and produce energy intermittently (it is estimated that most turbines produce less than 20% of their capacity).

Everyone accepts a need for a safe and secure energy supply but wind farms are not the answer. Massive public subsidies mean that they are attractive to energy companies, landowners and developers only. There is no evidence that they will ever benefit the community, and plenty of evidence to illustrate the opposite!

For further details: go to the county council's website and search for:

Case: CMA/5/31 in the planning applications online page

Send Objections to: Planning, Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham. DH1 5UL or