Wednesday 21 March 2012

Wind Farm - Public Meeting Update

The informal public meeting in relation to the Sheraton wind farm planning application was held last night at Hesleden Community Centre.

The purpose of the meeting, which was organised jointly by myself and the clerk to Monk Hesleden Parish Council, was to raise public awareness of the impact of the development on our communities - especially in High Hesleden, Hesleden, Castle Eden & Hutton Henry - and also to encourage residents to write to Durham County Council with their objections.

There was no formal structure to the event and it took the form of a drop-in session. This was done purposely to encourage residents to circulate and discuss options for objection to the EDF proposals, which would erect 5 wind turbines close to the A19 at Sheraton. Model letters of objection were made available along with a list providing residents with "material planning considerations" or in other words, those reasons we can use to oppose the application when it is heard by the county council's planning committee later this spring.

It is estimated that around 60 to 70 people attended during the two hour event, coming from all potentially affected communities - including a strong contingent from the Hart ward in Hartlepool where one of the turbines will be erected.

I intend to follow up the event by delivering leaflets to all addresses in both Hesleden and High Hesleden to encourage those residents unable to attend last night's meeting to contact the planning department with their objections.

If you need further information to enable you to object to the planning application please contact me for further information.