Thursday 8 March 2012

Blackhall - do we belong in Hartlepool???

The simple answer of course is NO! But some would like to transfer the villages of the Blackhall county division into the Hartlepool constituency (see my blog posts of 19 January & 13 February for background information).

The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) has now published all representations it received from the first round of consultation and is asking for your comments before 3 April 2012:'s-proposed/north-east

When you respond remember that the BCE is recommending that Blackhall stays where it is (in the Easington constituency) and organisations such as the main political parties are recommending that we transfer into the Hartlepool parliamentary constituency.

Hopefully the BCE will see through this as a little more than cynical political manoeuvering by the main parties to gain electoral advantage.

However it is vital that as many people as possible contact the BCE before 3 April to let them know that we are a living, thriving community and not a bargaining chip to be used for political purposes.